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Care Instructions

It is very important that you keep the jewel in the silk packaging that we send you.


Brass, bronze and silver will naturally oxidize over time. You may see a patina (dark or green areas) develop over your jewelry. To enjoy this antique look simply wear your jewelry as usual. If you prefer a shinier look, use a metal cleaner for this specific metals or metal polishing cloth, that is included in the packaging of your purchase, to restore your jewelry's luster.


Brass, bronze, gold, and silver can be cleaned by using a simple home remedy:


Ingredient for homemade jewelry luster.

  • Baking soda

  • Toothpaste

  • Hand soap

  • Warm water




Make a slurry with baking soda or substitute it with toothpaste and hand soap with warm water. Rub gently, this ingredient combination, by hand, you can use a soft brush or sponge.


For a better explanation please see the video titled Jewelry Care Instructions, that is available on this website or Miralba Colon Jorge YouTube channel.

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